Psychology Glossary - F
- False-belief tasks:
- A series of tasks used in the study of theory of mind which provide a test case for finding out whether children really understand the relationship between beliefs and behaviour.
- False consensus effect:
- In the study of the attribution process, the tendency to use our own attitudes and behaviour as the basis for deciding consensus for that behaviour, by overestimating the number of people who share our beliefs and habits.
- False uniqueness:
- An aspect of the false consensus effect, where the subject underestimates the number of people who share their particular skills and abilities.
- Fluid intelligence:
- One of the two most important general factors influencing human performance, which relates to a person’s capacity to solve new problems and to learn.
- Free association:
- In Freudian psychoanalysis, a technique for accessing the patient’s subconscious, by encouraging them to relax in a reclining posture and move freely and spontaneously from thought to thought.